Type of coaching (HYBRID, Distanciel and Face-to-face): Exclusively online, exceptionally in physical.What its for: Make sure you reach your physical goal through the Sport-Health approach. Physical and mental optimization. Holistic (global) approach dealing with all the factors inherent to progression, whatever the objective and targeted muscle group.How it works: perform MERM (Evolutionary Motor Performance Methods) over a period ranging from 3 months to a lifetime.REVOLUTIONARY METHOD: IMMERMSION, the banking approach to sport.Categories & Levers:PHYSICAL lever (CARDIO/STRENGTH/POWER/COORDINATION/MOTOR SKILLS/FLEXIBILITY)PSYCHOLOGICAL lever: EXPERTISE PUSHING BRAKES and BLOCKAGES preventing performance.WELL-BEING lever: Massages du monde certified by the KOREVA school (Paris XII) for an optimization of the physique through the pro-active recovery of the muscles.Training in the notions of SELF-MASSAGE, in order to promote the elimination of toxins by manual pressure.Training in the practice of balneotherapy. Training on the importance of excessive sweating with SAUNA for the elimination of toxins.NUTRITIONAL lever: Certified nutritional adviser. Trained by the 5.3 school under the aegis of Doctor Yann ROUGIER, Founder of the W-Health Foundation dedicated to the teaching of NEURO SCIENCES.